Flood impacts on the lives of school children in Basse, The Gambia di Demba Baldeh edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Flood impacts on the lives of school children in Basse, The Gambia





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Descrizione Flood impacts on the lives of school children in Basse, The Gambia

Globally, floods threaten the lives and livelihoods of hundreds of millions of people, including school going children. Flood-related hazards increase the vulnerability of certain schools due to poor quality construction or maintenance work. With the advent of climate change and climate variability, these hazards are likely to exacerbate the vulnerability of school children especially in the Sahel zone of West Africa. The low lying topographic nature of Basse exposes the town to seasonal flooding along the river bank. The book specifically assesses flood damages on the life support systems of school children, identifies problems faced by school-going children during floods and finally evaluates measures adopted by the civil and school authorities and other organized groups to help school children overcome their problems during floods. The Book is designed ideally for stakeholders in education; such as parents, teachers, experts, disaster relief agencies, curriculum specialists and other Non-Governmental Organisations. Policymakers, particularly on climate change policies will find it to be a useful tool.

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