Flashback to the Korean War and God's Promises: Battle After Battle, Miracle After Miracle di Marie Macaluso edito da CARPENTERS SON PUB
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Flashback to the Korean War and God's Promises: Battle After Battle, Miracle After Miracle





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Descrizione Flashback to the Korean War and God's Promises: Battle After Battle, Miracle After Miracle

Unprepared against adverse conditions, especially the freezing cold, this is the harrowing experiences of front line fighting for one year in the Korean War, l950-1951. As a young man, member of the "Second to None" Second Indianhead Infantry Division, he would prove why this American Army was the most hated enemy of the enemy. Pushing against an oppressor who was bent on taking freedoms away, our soldiers fought to the death. We must never forget why Freedom is not free.

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