Flame Music: Rock And Roll Is Life: Part II di D.J. Taylor edito da Mensch Publishing
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Flame Music: Rock And Roll Is Life: Part II

The True Story Of Resurgam Records By One Who Was There





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Descrizione Flame Music: Rock And Roll Is Life: Part II

Ready to rock and roll through the tumultuous times of the music industry? Our protagonist, Nick Du Pont, is a savvy manager navigating the highs and lows of the music scene in the 70s and 80s. He's a man on a mission, dealing with difficult artists, and battling to get his bands played on popular radio shows. Can Nick sign the unpredictable band 'The Flame Throwers' and manage their wild ways? Will he be able to keep up with the rapidly changing trends and survive in the cut-throat world of the music industry? Nick's reputation and livelihood hang in the balance as he risks it all to sign 'The Flame Throwers'. Success could mean fame and fortune, but failure could leave him forgotten and penniless. Experience a rollercoaster of emotions as you delve into the drama, passion, and chaos of the rock and punk scenes of yesteryears. D.J. Taylor, a British novelist, biographer, and critic, is renowned for his intricate narratives that beautifully blend history, culture, and the arts.

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