Fix and Flip di Mark Loeffler edito da John Wiley & Sons
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Fix and Flip

The Canadian How-To Guide For Buying, Renovating And Selling Property For Fast Profit





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Descrizione Fix and Flip

FIX & FLIP THE CANADIAN HOW-TO GUIDE FOR BUYING, RENOVATING AND SELLING PROPERTY FOR FAST PROFIT A very popular segment of reality TV is how to renovate properties for fun and profit. The fact is it's not much fun if you don't know what you're getting into, and nasty surprises can quickly demolish any return on your hard labour. To be successful at any business, it takes vision and execution. If you're keen to know how the business of fix-and-flips works, you'll want to read this book. Mark Loeffler and Ian Szabo are the perfect pair for teaching fix-and-flip strategies. They are a successful joint venture team with Mark bringing the financing expertise and Ian delivering the contracting expertise. Together they find undervalued and distressed properties with potential and renovate them quickly for fast profits. In Fix & Flip, they show you just how much work flipping really is, strategies to make the process more manageable, and how to earn consistent profits. Step-by-step, you will be taken through their fix-and-flip process from beginning to end. You'll learn: what skills--and how much time--you need to get started; how to build a team: contractor, lender, inspector, lawyer and accountant; how to identify areas and homes that make good potential flips; which areas of the property to focus on for the greatest bang for your buck; how to avoid a money pit: doing it yourself vs. hiring a pro; financing and exit strategies for properties; and much more. Filled with tips, checklists, analysis forms and time and cost-saving techniques, no investor interested in flipping properties, regardless of their experience, should be without this book.

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