Five Voices on a Sunday Morning: Candid Musings on the Rich Pageantry of Everyday Life di Ed Groelle edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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Five Voices on a Sunday Morning: Candid Musings on the Rich Pageantry of Everyday Life

Candid Musings on the Rich Pageantry of Everyday Life







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Descrizione Five Voices on a Sunday Morning: Candid Musings on the Rich Pageantry of Everyday Life

From the hilarious to the heartwarming, Five Voices on a Sunday Morning is a unique and witty compilation of more than 140 newspaper articles published in the Kenosha Newspaper in Kenosha, Wisconsin, over a period of four years. Five people-a trial attorney, a college history professor, a bank employee/pig farmer, a retired computer analyst, and a retired manufacturing quality engineer-share their thoughts and feelings on a variety of topics. Whether it be the thrill of antique hunting, the confession of a noted Francophile, a satiric look at presidential elections, or a handy guide to being 'old school,' these articles deliver an offbeat, sometimes quirky, but always entertaining look at the everyday stuff of life. But even more, Five Voices on a Sunday Morning offers a revealing glimpse into a lively Midwestern town with all its challenges, its joys, its fears, and its blessings. Lighthearted at times, yet deeply moving in others, these articles share the triumphs and struggles of the average American citizen. Be prepared to laugh, to agree, to disagree, and perhaps even to have your heartstrings tugged. Vibrant and colorful, Five Voices on a Sunday Morning paints a vivid tapestry of life in the good ol' U.S.A.

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