Fishing Techniques for Parents and their Kids di van E Graef edito da iUniverse
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Fishing Techniques for Parents and their Kids

Stories, myths and legends







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Descrizione Fishing Techniques for Parents and their Kids

In his early 30s he moved to Colorado and gained experience for fishing the high mountains lakes and streams. After over 50 years of enjoying the sport of fishing a debilitating disease (multiple sclerosis) left Graef's hands not being able to hold a rod or tie a knot. Graef turned his focus on fishing to teaching the basics. Through his travels he would notice single parent kids wanting to fish without any direction. He saw the need for a basic technique document to teach not only the kids but their parents. Starting from how to start with right type of rod and reel needed. Through the years Graef's many experiences he has come up with his own traditions and myths and or legends. He has also included the very basic accessories and baits needed to catch fish. Graef also includes his own stories and theories of the great art of fishing. The section of his pet peeves is extremely entertaining and amusing. The debilitating disease, multiple sclerosis, has left Van Graef a quadriplegic. Graef has penned two books by the use of voice recognition program. This book is Graef's second. His first book, Not Just Walking is an autobiography. It tells of his adventures in early life and including the meeting of his true love and dealing with MS.

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