First There Was Bay Be di Fatty edito da Borders Personal Publishing
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First There Was Bay Be





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Descrizione First There Was Bay Be

First There Was Bay Be is a life struggle for the twenty-six years and thirty hospitalizations, several job losses, and the death of all four parents of Fatty and Chunky. Find out who is the Mother-Father and how the male, Fatty, got knocked up with an elephant. (Jealousy reeks, doesn't it ladies!). Fatty was always proud of Chunky, because she never let him down. Find out how and why Fatty knelt before a crucifix and prayed for My Man to take the pain from Chunky and give it to Fatty. When one looks for love one should "Look no more, I found you." Finally, "Doctor, is Fatty gonna live?" Dedicated to my very best friend, Chunky! PROCEEDS TO GO TOWARDS SCHOLARSHIP FUND FOR SECOND CHANCE STUDENTS FOR COLLEGE.

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