First of the Line: Book One of the Druid Dreams Saga di Michael Paul Metzger edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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First of the Line: Book One of the Druid Dreams Saga

Book One of the Druid Dreams Saga







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Descrizione First of the Line: Book One of the Druid Dreams Saga

Deep within the abandoned city, the Dark Lord's power grows, feeding off the greed and inhumanity of the lesser forms of men. Sensing that the time is near when a new heir will be named "First of The Line", he subtly begins to sow the seeds of destruction, in an attempt to reclaim the destiny which had been snatched from his grasp. Will the new heir of the Druid Dream magic be able to master its power in time to stop him? Or will he take possession of her soul, and with it, all of the free lands. The initial book of the Druid Dreams saga, First of The Line, takes us back to the beginning in a heart pounding tale of adventure, suspense, and drama which is sure to leave you spellbound!

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