First Call Outs di Domenick Dibenedetto edito da FIREFLY BOOKS LTD
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First Call Outs





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Descrizione First Call Outs

Calling Anthony Toscano an underdog is an understatement. "First Call-Outs" is the story of a high school wrestler with big dreams. A coming-of-age tale about a boy from small town America who comes face-to-face with adversity, defeat, and crippling self-doubt. Follow Anthony as he navigates the malaise of adolescence and travels to a new home where he discovers a passion that will set him on a path of self-fulfillment. Anthony uses the pains of his past to fuel his endeavors in order to prove to himself once and for all that he has what it takes to be a champion. Anthony grows tired of the abuse and lack of support for his dreams and decides that joining the military is his only escape. On his journey, a chance encounter with the legendary Coach Nate Yamasaki, who is known for producing champion bodybuilders, leads Anthony into a new sport and lifestyle. With the mentorship of Coach Nate, Anthony will take on the greatest challenges of his life. Will Anthony reach his true potential and become the champion he dreams of being, or will he give in to the echoes of failure that still haunt him? Find out in this thrilling and inspiring story of a boy who became a man who refused to quit!

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