Fire In The Classroom di Ray Smilor edito da Rowman & Littlefield
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Fire In The Classroom

Creativity, Entrepreneurship, And The Craft Of Teaching





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Descrizione Fire In The Classroom

Fire in the Classroom: Creativity, Entrepreneurship, and the Craft of Teaching explores important avenues for teachers to become better at the craft of teaching by improving their skills and understanding in areas such as utilizing experiential learning, becoming more adept at improvisation, addressing all learning styles of students, recognizing and acting upon the teachable moment, developing and delivering engaging lectures, and effectively incorporating outside speakers in their courses. This book emphasizes the necessity for teachers to create classrooms that ignite a desire to learn and a willingness to be taught amongst all their students. Fire in the Classroom ultimately shows teachers and their students how to think more creatively and act more entrepreneurially. It provides the know-how, techniques, and activities that enable teachers to enhance their teaching abilities and renew their joy in teaching. With insightful observations, compelling stories, and specific curriculum recommendations, this book serves as a guide to make the learning process for both teachers and their students more engaging, interactive, and exciting.

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