Fire Chief di Ron Graner edito da Iuniverse

Fire Chief

Lessons Learned Climbing The Ladder







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Descrizione Fire Chief

Over the past 40 years Chief Graner has seen the death and injury rate from fires, for firefighters and civilians, continue to grow. Could the root cause of these continuing deaths and injuries be that the leaders of government and the fire service have failed to learn from the lessons each event should have taught?"Fire Chief, Lessons learned climbing the ladder," tracks the many events, incidents and experiences that must be learned if we as a nation and as a profession are to reduce the high cost of fire safety."Fire Chief, Lessons learned climbing the ladder," is also a road map for those who seek to become a Fire Chief and a guide for their families.For the public, "Fire Chief, Lessons learned climbing the ladder," is a true insight to the dangers and challenges facing each of the people in the Public Safety and the challenges a Fire Chief faces serving the public and his or her staff. This is also an eye opening account of the dangers every citizen faces due to failures of elected officials to enact laws that will improve public safety.

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