Fire And Ice The Third Age di Meyer Michael James Meyer edito da LifeRich Publishing

Fire And Ice The Third Age





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Descrizione Fire And Ice The Third Age

Do you want to understand how long the cycles are for global warming and man's role in it? Do you want to understand the mythical story of Atlantis? What about COVID-19? In the groundbreaking book, Fire and Ice, author Michael James Meyer answers these questions and more. After many decades of Bible study, Meyer uncovered a mathematical formula for deciphering most of the Bible and Biblical prophecy. Among other things, this formula gave him a framework that provided approximate dates to many Biblical events. It helps answer a host of questions, such as: What is the message behind the building of the three large pyramids and the Sphinx? What are some of the key numbers for Biblical numerology? What is the "end of the world" prophecy in the Bible, including the resurrection? What will life on earth be like after the Lord comes and resurrects his people? Fire and Ice shows readers why the Bible is just as informative and relevant today as it was when it was first written.

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