Finland, a Land of Foresters di Lauri Vaara edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Finland, a Land of Foresters

Corporatism in Finnish Forestry





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Descrizione Finland, a Land of Foresters

The general concept of the forestry practised in Finland and the reality of Finnish forestry differ greatly. The forests are assumed to be treated in an exemplary manner and wood production is assumed to be efficient. In reality, forestry in Finland is in a state of chaos, both as a commercial business activity and as regards forest treatment. The present research undertaking looks into the causes behind the skewed development of forestry in Finland. It also explores the matter of why this skewedness has not been examined. The main causes found are the corporative system of administration in forestry and the Finnish foresters' professional culture. Finnish foresters have been given more or less unlimited powers in guiding forestry, and they have done so from a cultural base characterised by anti-farming attitudes, inadequate business economics expertise, and societal blindness. As a result, a globally unique system of totalitarian corporatism has come into being, a system resembling the socialist system of society. This research endeavours to arouse decision-makers in Finnish forest policy to take steps aimed at making the forestry a productive livelihood once again.

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