Finding Our Dreams Are Not So Different di Kelly Hazelett edito da
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Finding Our Dreams Are Not So Different






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Descrizione Finding Our Dreams Are Not So Different

Finn loves Rachel and he knows they are endgame. Does he want to wait? Or should he start the game now? Finn finally knows what he wants to do with his life. Is it real if he can't share it with Rachel? Finn gets accepted in a respected NYC school and when Football comes knocking will he answer the door on his dead dream? Rachel lands the role she was born to play. But is it real if she can't share it with Finn? Rachel knows one thing, she can't and doesn't want to do it without Finn by her side. Rachel fights for her happy ending and won't let no one or nothing stop her this time. Finn loves Rachel and he knows they are endgame. Does he want to wait? Or should he start the game now? Finn finally knows what he wants to do with his life. Is it real if he can't share it with Rachel? Finn gets accepted in a respected NYC school and when Football comes knocking will he answer the door on his dead dream?

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