Finding Jo di Frances Ive edito da Five Press
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Finding Jo


Five Press





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Descrizione Finding Jo

Jo flees the country without telling a soul in a dramatic quest for freedom and self-knowledge. In the beautiful surroundings of a former palace in the snow-capped Himalayas, she has the time and space to reflect on her life. The peace she finds there helps Jo to unravel her turmoil, but unexpected challenges test her new-found equilibrium to the limit. Finding Jo focuses on relationships between families, lovers and friends, and the resentment and long-held beliefs that threaten to destroy them. Jo's desire for a deeper purpose in life acts as a catalyst to other family members back at home. "The book is so well written that it's easy to escape into the scenes. With the backdrop of India and the Himalayas Finding Jo is a beautifully crafted joy of a book to read." Instagram blogger/reviewer. 'I think this book will inspire alot of women like myself who just want to get away from it all.' Reviewer, Australia

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€ 16.01
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