Finders Keepers di Merle Norman edito da Outskirts Press
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Finders Keepers





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Descrizione Finders Keepers

Here is a book you won't be able to put down! Finders Keepers is filled with intrigue, romance, suspense, and a surprise ending you won't believe! This is the story of J.T. Babcock--the type of man your mother warned you to stay away from! His only friend is wheelchair-bound Dylan, his Marine Corps squad leader, who came home from Iraq minus his legs. Together, these two cook up a scheme that makes them rich beyond their wildest dreams. However, as everyone knows, get-rich-quick schemes can often blow up in your face. We also meet Willy, who, after suffering the devastating loss of his wife, stumbles through life with his young daughter, Amanda. He is still trying to put together the pieces of their lives, when he hires Becky to work for him part-time. What he doesn't know is that Becky once dated J.T.--that is until she was arrested during a surprise raid at J.T.'s house. Scared straight, Becky breaks off any association with J.T. and his colleagues, leaving her bad girl ways far behind. As she becomes invaluable to Willy and his new business, she falls deeper and deeper in love with him. Will he ever be able to return her feelings? Keep reading and find out! Written by first-time author, Merle Norman, Finders Keepers shows all the promise of the next bestseller!

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