Financial Distress and Its Determinants di Ephrem Gebreslassie edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Financial Distress and Its Determinants

Case of private commercial banks in Ethiopia





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Descrizione Financial Distress and Its Determinants

In this research the financial health condition of selected private commercial banks in Ethiopian is assessed by using the Altman¿s Z score model. Altman's Z score model (a.k.a, ZETA score analysis) is type of Multiple Discriminate Analysis (MDA) which has been applied by financial analysts to evaluate the general trend in the financial health of the enterprises over a period. In addition to the Altman's Zeta model, classical linear regression model (CLRM) is applied to identify the factors that affect the financial health condition of private commercial banks in Ethiopia, and the results of the analysis and recommendations are presented in a nice manner. This book also contains very important points that would be significant for students, researchers and university professors who deals with finance and financial institutions.

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