Financial Derivatives Dynamics in India di Rakesh Kumar edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Financial Derivatives Dynamics in India





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Descrizione Financial Derivatives Dynamics in India

This book addresses the issues related to the macro management, micro intricacies and global financial crisis triggered by the financial derivatives. This book provides the comprehensive analysis of threats to the economic stability due to leveraging and speculation activities in the use of financial derivatives. Since it is believed that recent financial crisis was sparked off by the over exposed financial derivatives. Here, an attempt has been made to explore this crisis at great length without using complicated mathematics. While investing in various assets and making adequate portfolios, investors are intended to maximize their returns and hedge the risks. Three chapters in this book are based on Indian data concerning dynamics between cash and derivative markets, measuring and modelling volatility and efficiency of the future markets in price discovery are discussed at length. After going through this book, it is expected, the reader will command over the dynamics of financial derivatives in Indian market and will be able to study the more advanced material.

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