Finally, All About God di James Arnold edito da iUniverse
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Finally, All About God

Integrating Religion and Science







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Descrizione Finally, All About God

Jim Arnold begins his integration of science and religion by reciting how an independent voice medium brought about conversations with spirits and changed his life. He also tells of his own, single experience of being the medium. Later he had a profound mystical experience of God. He attempts biographically to establish his personal credibility. He sees Moses as a voice medium and explains how a Judean academy voided this and substituted its own tribal-god concept in the biblical books attributed to be authentic Moses. This Judean make-believe but enticing concept of God needs to be expunged from today's religion. Instead Jim presents a panentheistic concept for God, but this requires that he show how God interfaces with life on our planet. He uses ectoplasm and glycoproteins on membranes as interfaces, the latter operating electrically using calcium ions to set membrane potentials. Lastly Jim calls for a wakeup reveille to get paranormal study into psychology and other related science departments and to get ministers, priests, and rabbis to educate their congregations on the value of a panentheistic theology. Here God is Becoming; the whole system is dynamic, and individuals are happier transforming, being anxious to develop themselves and improve their institutions.

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