Figuring the Joy of Numbers di Devi Shakuntala edito da Orient Paperbacks
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Figuring the Joy of Numbers





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Libro Figuring the Joy of Numbers di Devi Shakuntala

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Figuring: The Joy Of Numbers by Shakuntala Devi, is a book that teaches readers a series of computing shortcuts, which will not only reduce calculation time, but also help to develop an interest for the subject of mathematics.In Figuring: The Joy Of Numbers, renowned mathematician Shakuntala Devi, teaches readers about the wonders which can be sought by utilizing easy calculation methods. Devi''s book will help readers calculate faster and easier This book will teach readers how to proceed forward with different types of challenging calculations, with the aim of increasing precision as well as speed, without compromising the correctness of the result. In order to understand the techniques prescribed in the text, readers are required to have a basic knowledge of arithmetic. Devi states that initially the problems might seem too complicated or out of reach, but with time and practice readers will definitely acquire the skill to solve mathematic problems in an expedient and precise manner.

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