The Fight Is Already Fixed di Mark Lanton edito da Tate Publishing & Enterprises

The Fight Is Already Fixed

This 12 Round Fight We Call Life





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Descrizione The Fight Is Already Fixed

Whatever your current condition in life presents to you, whether good or bad, is not by happenstance. God has divine reasons, and his plan for your life is perfect. As 2 Timothy 4:7 says, 'I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.' God already has your destiny established and it is waiting for you to claim. You have to fight that good fight, keeping the faith that God will supply your needs in hard times. God is with you although you may not feel his presence. God sometimes requires us to get out of the boat, like Peter, to show our faith and believe that he is with us. Let us get out of the boat and walk on faith as this book inspires for us to fight the good fight.

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€ 11.10

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