Fight Back di Ellen Roseman edito da John Wiley & Sons
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Fight Back

81 Ways To Help You Save Money And Protect Yourself From Corporate Trickery





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Descrizione Fight Back

Money-saving advice from Canada's leading consumer advocate In this book Ellen Roseman distills the financial advice she gives in her columns and blogs into 81 quick tips that all Canadians can use to help them spend sensibly, save money, and avoid costly consumer traps. This book of "personal finance greatest hits" is filled with illustrative examples and cautionary advice from Roseman and stories from her faithful readers. Filled with a wealth of information, the book includes the low-down on dealing with banks and car dealers, cutting costs of communication services, improving your credit, buying and renovating a home, fighting online fraud, ensuring you have the right insurance, and more. * Offers an easy-to-use guide for being smart with your money * Includes how to advice on handling the most common financial pitfalls * Contains the best advice from Ellen Roseman's columns and blogs * Written by Canada's most popular and savvy consumer advocate Don't spend another dollar until you read Ellen Roseman's best-ever tips for saving money and making wise financial decisions.

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