Fiesta San Antonio di Janet Dailey edito da OPEN ROAD MEDIA ROMANCE
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Fiesta San Antonio





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Descrizione Fiesta San Antonio

An innocent Texan beauty teaches a wealthy, cold-hearted rancher how to love in this classic romance by a New York Times–bestselling author. While he’s very rich and very handsome, Colter Langston is not a good or kind man. But he understands that his young daughter, Missy, needs a mother. At the San Antonio Fiesta Parade he runs into a gentle, hazel-eyed beauty who would fit the bill nicely—much better than his current lover, the wild and hot Deirdre. Barely out of her teens, Natalie Crane is overwhelmed by the breathtaking rancher who controls the vast Langston holdings in Texas hill country. When he asks her to marry him, Natalie agrees; beneath Colter’s cold, cruel exterior she can sense a beating heart that yearns to love. But sexy Deirdre’s not about to give her man up without a fight . . . With 300 million books sold, New York Times bestseller Janet Dailey is an icon of American fiction. A master of heart-soaring romance, she tells the enchanting story of two damaged people forever changed and a family born from an unexpected love as big as Texas.

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€ 17.15
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