Feyesper and the Wicked Neighbor di Reynaldo Encina Jope edito da LifeRich Publishing
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Feyesper and the Wicked Neighbor

Yamyamin Floyd Ryan




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Descrizione Feyesper and the Wicked Neighbor

Except for Feyespers favorite soup, caldo de arroz, that Mrs. Ayebeeb promised to prepare for him, there was nothing exciting to look forward to. But unbeknownst to the young pink fairy armadillo and his mother, a young jerboa is hell-bent on ruining their pleasant day. The young jerboa comes to their house repeatedly and does something so annoying that, in no time, infuriates Feyesper. Now overcome with anger, Feyesper turns to his mother. But what she does next is simply incomprehensible! To see Mrs. Ayebeeb take the jerboas side squelches Feyespers heart. Will he forgive his mother? Feyesper and the Wicked Neighbor is only the second of Feyespers adventure stories. It is preceded by Feyesper and the Rogue Kite, which debuted in 2014. These inspired stories provide life tools to benefit each young reader. Feyesper and his friends were created for the children of the twenty-first century and beyond.

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