The Festive Season! Naughty Or Nice? di Ted Moss edito da
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The Festive Season! Naughty Or Nice?

Unpalatable Truths






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Descrizione The Festive Season! Naughty Or Nice?

Far from being the happy time it used to be Christmas brings dread to some families while bringing a bonanza of sales for the retailers who will always sell their goods regardless of the financial climate because of the credit (DEBT) card. This book is concerned with Christmas expenditure and is divided into three sections. The first section examines how this once happy and joyful time of the year has become a worrying time for many and discusses methods and strategies to ease, even eliminate entirely, the stress of Christmas. In the second section we see how easily it is get into debt - due to the greed and avarice of capitalism driving the Christmas commercialism - and as a consequence causing the stress. The third section investigates money. We look at fascinating, even alarming aspects of quite legal money creation. We conclude with a verse about debt and the measures one can take to deal with it and where a debtor might stand in law. Finally we draw it all together and finish with a study of the greatest area where savings can be made at Christmas.

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