Feeding Wellington's Army From Burgos To Waterloo di Gareth Glover edito da Pen & Sword Books Ltd

Feeding Wellington's Army From Burgos To Waterloo

The Lively Journal Of Assistant Commissary General Tupper Carey - Volume II





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Descrizione Feeding Wellington's Army From Burgos To Waterloo

Transcribed for the first time from Commissary General Tupper Carey''s handwritten journals, this is the second of two volumes which cover the lively career of a Commissary who served throughout the Peninsular war and Waterloo campaign.Written with vivid detail, these journals offer a truly unique window into the life of a Commissary and the campaigns in which he served. Although a civilian and greatly discouraged from putting himself in mortal danger, Tupper was often to be found watching the fighting from some nearby vantage point and often describes the actions he witnessed, particularly where it affected his own charge, whether a battalion, a brigade or even later an entire division. Interspersed with these primary roles, he was often seconded to form supply bases in the rear of the army, or to hastily remove or destroy stores when threatened by enemy advances. He also talks freely about fellow officers, and being a private journal written simply for the eyes of his immediate family, he is not shy in giving his honest opinions of both his subordinates or indeed his superiors.This volume covers the period from the launch of Wellington's great advance into Spain in 1813 until the end of the war in 1814, the Waterloo campaign of 1815 and the Army of Occupation in France from 1815 to 1818, when Tupper became arguably the most important Commissary working for the Duke of Wellington.

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