Feeding dairy cattle di Elmer Savage edito da Vero Verlag
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Feeding dairy cattle


Vero Verlag





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Descrizione Feeding dairy cattle

\"The Savage articles on Feeding Dairy Cattle have been published in the World from 1916 to the present time, and were reprinted in book form in 1917 and again in 1918. Breeders and dairymen appreciated that nothing of this sort had ever before been prepared for their benefit - a series of practical articles giving explicit directions on the important question of how to feed their dairy cows most efficiently and most economically. In addition, it was written not only from the standpoint of the ordinary dairyman, but from the point of view of the Holstein breeder as well - the breeder who is anxious to make the most of his opportunities. In short, the book of Savage articles comprised the most complete, understandable and up-to-the-minute text-book of Holstein feeding information ever put together.\" This book is a reprint of the original published in 1921. Illustrated with many historic pictures.

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