The Federalist Papers: Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay's Essays on the United States Constitution, Aka t di Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay edito da MEGALODON ENTERTAINMENT LLC
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The Federalist Papers: Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay's Essays on the United States Constitution, Aka t

Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, And John Jay's Essays On The United States Constitution, Aka The New Constitution





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Descrizione The Federalist Papers: Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay's Essays on the United States Constitution, Aka t

A masterpiece of Constitutional thought, The Federalist Papers were written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay to create support for ratifying the U.S. Constitution and to explain the intentions of its authors. Originally titled The New Constitution or The Federalist, The Federalist Papers are an amazing direct source to the intentions of the Founding Fathers and what they were trying to accomplish with the Constitution. Still frequently referenced today by lawmakers and judges, this text was indeed intended to be a guide for future generations on interpreting the meaning of the Constitution. This edition includes all 85 articles, most of which were originally published in The Independent Journal and The New York Packet between 1787 and 1788. Peer into the minds of the writers of the Constitution and truly understand the meaning of this monumental document.

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