Federal Elections edito da Greenhaven Press
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Federal Elections





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In 2015, the leader of the Federal Election Commission, the agency charged with regulating how political money is raised and spent, said she had largely given up hope of reining in abuses in the 2016 presidential campaign. Chairwoman Ann M. Ravel, summarized her frustrations during an interview. I never want to give up, but I'm not under any illusions. People think the F.E.C. is dysfunctional. It's worse than dysfunctional. The writings in this anthology have been selected to introduce your readers to a wide array of viewpoints on the efficacy of the U.S. federal election system. Written by foremost authorities, these essays offer divergent views on issues surrounding the election process. Each chapter asks a relevant question about the topic, and the viewpoints that follow are grouped into yes and no categories. This format provides readers with a concise view of different opinions on each topic.

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