The Feasts Of John di Dan Fleming edito da WestBow Press
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The Feasts Of John





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Descrizione The Feasts Of John

In John's gospel, he describes the Feasts of the Lord in a subtle yet profound way. His gospel account reveals that Jesus taught the meanings of the Old Testament feasts as they were being celebrated. By this, we can see that John's gospel is written in chronological order. John also wove the theme of the Jewish wedding into his gospel to reveal that it is part of the meaning of the feasts. When we learn more about these revelations from John's gospel, the rest of the New Testament is easier to understand because the Feasts of the Lord affect us both personally and prophetically. Jesus literally fulfilled the first four feasts - Passover, Unleavened Bread, Firstfruits and Pentecost - over two thousand years ago. We can be assured that He will fulfill the remaining three feasts of Trumpets, Atonement and Tabernacles when He returns.

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