Fearfully Female and Wonderfully Woman di Cinthia W. Pratt Ma edito da Westbow Press
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Fearfully Female and Wonderfully Woman

Becoming All That God Created





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Descrizione Fearfully Female and Wonderfully Woman

For the Christian woman the journey of womanhood and of moving from little girl to wonderful woman occurs while living in a world that is not her home and within a culture that does not reflect the norms and values of Christian teaching. Each of us must determine which of the cultural messages about what it means to be a woman we will pick up and carry with us and which we will leave behind, while carefully balancing living here in this present culture and reflecting the norms and values of permanent and eternal home. What's a girl to do? How do we choose which cultural messages to accept and which to leave behind? And how do we eliminate all the excess baggage of lies and half-truths that weighs us down? Where did we pick up all this stuff in the first place? Come along with author Cinthia W. Pratt and navigate through this culture in which we live; discover life-changing truths to set us free from the excess baggage of lies and half-truths. Will you dare to be Fearfully Female and Wonderfully Woman, as God designed and intended?

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