Farmer George and his Red Tractor di Derrick Perkins edito da AUSTIN MACAULEY

Farmer George and his Red Tractor





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Descrizione Farmer George and his Red Tractor

I am the last of a dying breed. World War II is from another time. Unless you were there, in the main, it's now a subject little spoken about but not forgotten. Having said that, my elder grandchild seemed really interested, especially regarding the details when we would digress and talk and view the many videos showing to the world how Europe was dealing with such massive destruction. The outbreak of war was a new beginning for everyone. The period 1939-42 was the main period in which bombing of our cities took place. During this time, night after night, Mum and I could be seen huddled under our stairs with blankets and hot water bottles to protect ourselves, for our own safety and from the cold. Under the stairs seemed a good place to be on these long, cold nights. The noise from the bombing was dreadful. Happily, I was only there a short time.

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€ 8.70

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