Fantastic Stories Presents di Robert E. Howard edito da Illustrated Books
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Fantastic Stories Presents

Conan The Barbarian Super Pack (Illustrated)





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Collected here together for the first time are twenty-three short stories and poems and a full length novel. Conan the Barbarian was the greatest hero of the Hyborian Age. Orphaned at a young age he was forced to live by his wits, brawn, and the skill of his sword arm. This mighty warrior rises from obscurity to one day become the King of Aquilonia. Included are twelve wonderful original illustrations. If you enjoyed this book, you'll want to search on "Positronic Publishing Super Pack" and check out all our other Super Packs! Stories include The Hyborian Age The Phoenix on the Sword The Scarlet Citadel The Tower of the Elephant Black Colossus The Slithering Shadow The Pool of the Black One Gods of the North Shadows in Zamboula Shadows in the Moonlight Queen of the Black Coast The Devil in Iron The People of the Black Circle A Witch Shall Be Born Rogues in the House Jewels of Gwahlur Beyond the Black River The Hour of the Dragon Red Nails Adventurer At The Bazaar Dreams Of Nineveh The Gates of Nineveh Empire's Destiny

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