Family, Law, And Society: From Roman Law To The Present Day edito da Peter Lang AG
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Family, Law, And Society: From Roman Law To The Present Day





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Descrizione Family, Law, And Society: From Roman Law To The Present Day

Throughout history, the family has been considered the primary nucleus of social organization, and the law has played a crucial role in the regulation and protection of its members¿ rights and obligations. This book seeks to explore and analyse the importance of family law from multiple perspectives. Changes in the forms of cohabitation, new family conceptions, new reproductive technologies and gender equality are current unresolved legal challenges, where a historical view has much to offer. It sheds light on the interactions between family, law, and society over the centuries, exploring the tensions, contradictions and changes that have defined this complex relationship. It contributes to the current debate on the legal challenges and dilemmas facing the family institution in the twenty-first century. This book is a thought-provoking and critical analysis, offering a panoramic look at the evolution of family law and its impact on today¿s society.

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