Family Fictions di Christopher Flint edito da Stanford University Press
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Family Fictions

Narrative And Domestic Relations In Britain, 1688-1798





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"In our current generation of sometimes manufactured criticism, Family Fictions is a refreshing book because Flint, though mindful of the demands of institutional analysis, has not lost touch with the simple pleasures that stories produce, which, I think, is pretty rare in academic writing. One of the many rewards of that engagement is an excellent series of observations that frequently pop up in his book to synthesize and clarify otherwise complex textual and narrative relationships . . . .Family Fictions adds appreciably to our understanding of what the period family meant, as well as the role the novel played in the slippery history of the family."--The Age of Johnson"Flint's book is well written and complex; he is convincing in his argument that the development of the early novel is not separable from the novel's fascination with the family."--Eighteenth-Century Life

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