Family Business di G D Land edito da iUniverse
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Family Business

A Jimmy Fein Novel







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Descrizione Family Business

New York City bodyguard Jimmy Fein is a smart-talking tough guy with a penchant for physical violence and a slight inferiority complex when it comes to his Irish-Jewish mafia family. Lately, though, they've been an equal mix of help and hindrance as he protects a client from a homicidal business partner. His Jewish father is constantly disappointed by Jimmy's reckless actions and refusal to profit from the family business. His cousin Mary Alice, a nun, is running a gambling pool based on how many times Jimmy will be shot by year's end. Even more insulting, the family views his partner, Elise, as the reasonable one despite her preference for shotgun-induced emasculation when it comes to abusive ex-spouses. Jimmy's latest job is to help Marcus Roth, a diamond merchant involved in an Internet scam. Marcus wants out, but the mastermind behind the operation wants him dead. Jimmy's job is further complicated by his family who decides to start its own competing Internet scam and cautions Jimmy against exposing the scam to the police or the public. Before long, Jimmy is reminded of the lethal dangers of mixing his business with family business ...

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