La Familia Hayburg di Juanito Hayburg edito da iUniverse
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La Familia Hayburg

On The Opposite Side Of The World: Volume Two







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Descrizione La Familia Hayburg

Discover how one family learns important life lessons and the necessary coping skills to deal with the constantly changing circumstances that accompany their desire to travel the world. For over thirty years, Juanito Hayburg has traveled the world. In 2004, he and his family went on a two month odyssey to such far-away locations as Amsterdam, Berlin, Moscow, Beijing, Xi'an, St. Petersburg, Helsinki, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Flåm, Bergen, Edinburgh, John O' Groats, and Dublin, and a multitude of other interesting places. Through their well-documented experiences that include applicable Web sites you can access for more information on each subject, you will learn how to: Navigate the European, Chinese, and Russian metro, rail, and air systems Budget both your time and money, especially when converting to and obtaining local currencies Choose the clothing to pack and wear to adapt to various cultures, customs, and climates Understand how U.S. laws and regulations may pose challenges for its citizens traveling abroad If you are ready to see the world with your family, then La Familia Hayburg: On the Opposite Side of the World is your hands-on guide to planning an inexpensive trip to visit fascinating cities and create a lifetime of memories!

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