The False Call di Bobbie Davis Jr. edito da
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The False Call






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Descrizione The False Call

This large print edition is a easy read that makes studying, learning and reading the Word of God more Enjoyable. Although the church acceptance has changed, God has not changed nor detoured from His Word. While the climate of the church has changed His climate is waxing hotter and hotter. There are some things that a man can do that a woman is unable to do and there are some things that a woman can do that a man is unable to do. What happened to all of the praying women, weeping women, cunning women, wailing women, teaching women and prophesying women? Could it be for that cause that our homes are messed up and society is the way that it is? The world is confused do in in part because the church is confused. Men acting like, dressing like women and women acting like and dressing like men. Would you consider Robinhood a robber or if a gangster hands out turkeys once a year does that make him good if so at the expense of who or what? The Bible is clear concerning the order of the church and who qualifies.

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