The Faith Journey Series Not By Might di Robin D Holstein edito da Page Publishing, Inc.
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The Faith Journey Series Not By Might





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Descrizione The Faith Journey Series Not By Might

In Part 1 of the Faith Journey Series, Not by Might, God shows up in powerful ways to reveal His sovereignty and sufficiency to a little country girl from the small town of Lithia Springs in the southern state of Georgia. Robin grew up in a sheltered Christian home where nothing bad could ever happen, it seemed, and life was full of surprises as God showed up powerfully one miracle at a time. Her life was full of supernatural wonders, fun adventures, and romance as she spent her childhood witnessing incredible miracles that could only occur by the hand of the Creator. Her young adult life in college consisted of riding bulls, pulling off elaborate pranks with her friends, and meeting the man she thought she had always dreamed of. This book is filled with amazing miraculous events, humor, adventure, and romance. Life was nothing short of her perfect idea of a fairy tale until one devastating diagnosis threatens to shatter her dreams, shake her faith and take her life. Faith Journey, Part 1, Not by Might is written to make you laugh, cry, and give you a glimpse into the awesome sovereignty of a loving Creator. Most importantly, it is written to make you think and reevaluate what really matters in this short time span God has given each of us called life.

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