Faith's Destiny 2 di Q. Taylor edito da iUniverse
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Faith's Destiny 2

Destiny's Faith







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Descrizione Faith's Destiny 2

Faith Hopkins has already seen way too much for a woman her age. She can hardly believe she has just attended the double funeral of her mother and grandmother. Death is no longer a tale of her past, but a cruel reality of her present. As she and her four-year-old daughter, Destiny, head home, they are involved in a tragic car collision. As Faith's eyes slowly close, the last thing she sees is a silhouette of an old man carrying away the body of a little girl. Six years later, Destiny is now ten-year-old Nina. Kidnapped after the car accident by Jamanny Durgen, the father of her mother's former rapist, she now lives in a Mississippi town where she struggles to remember anything from her past. Witness to countless acts of violence and incest, Nina knows it is hell living there-and will be hell getting out. Even though she is used to being scared and abandoned, Nina cannot help but think about the person who left her. Little does she know that in a hospital room far away, memories of a lost child sustain life inside a paralyzed body. In this poignant novel, a girl and her mother separated by distance and a man's evil intentions struggle to find each other within the darkness of their tortured worlds.

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