The Faith Of A Centurion di Dathan Belanger edito da Clay Bridges Press
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The Faith Of A Centurion





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Descrizione The Faith Of A Centurion

This novel will place you in the middle of a famous Bible story about a Roman centurion's faith. When Jesus healed the centurion's servant, it became one of the most interesting miracles as told by Matthew and Luke in their Gospels. Readers will: ¿ meet many historic religious characters, including Caesar, Mark Antony, Cleopatra, Octavian, Herod, and Rabbis Hillel and Shammai. ¿ learn how it was to live in the 1st century during the time of Jesus. ¿ learn about the blessings of faith. Today, the words of the centurion are often used in prayers throughout the churches of the world, and the story of the centurion's faith is perhaps more important now than ever. We live in a world filled with harsh realities and little faith. This novel will give you hope.

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