Faith and Farewell di Rev. Jack DiMatteo edito da Westbow Press
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Faith and Farewell

When Your Parents Approach Their Final Days





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Descrizione Faith and Farewell

A Startling Thought: When did you first realize your parents were not going to live on this planet forever? An Even More Startling Thought: When did you realize that your parents may die soon? In Faith and Farewell, a veteran hospice chaplain explores the spiritual dimensions of saying good-bye to aging parents. Discover the Seven Spiritual Themes which commonly surface for adults whose parents are rapidly declining and advancing toward death: Authority Control Guilt Loss Isolation Anger Grace Pastor Jack shares his own story while encouraging others to "let go", to stop micromanaging every detail, and to entrust those final days to the sovereign will of the Creator. Learn how to grow spiritually as you lead your parents through the concluding chapter of their lives. Sensitive and scholarly, Faith and Farewell includes biblical instruction, meditation tools, and insights into how families can cope during the spiritual process of ushering their parents to their earthly finish line.

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