Facts & Fictions in Mental Hea di Arkowitz, Lilienfeld edito da John Wiley & Sons
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Facts & Fictions in Mental Hea





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Descrizione Facts & Fictions in Mental Hea

Written in a lively and entertaining style, Facts and Fictions in Mental Health examines common conceptions and misconceptions surrounding mental health and its treatment. Each chapter focuses on a misconception and is followed by a discussion of related findings from scientific research. * A compilation of the authors' "Facts and Fictions" columns written for Scientific American Mind, with the addition of six new columns exclusive to this book * Written in a lively and often entertaining style, accessible to both the undergraduate and the interested general reader * Each chapter covers a different "fiction" and allows readers to gain a more balanced and accurate view of important topics in mental health * The six new columns examine myths and misconceptions of considerable interest and relevance to undergraduates in abnormal psychology courses * Introductory material and references are included throughout the book

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