Factors affecting quality of services and customer satisfaction in air di Alfred Nchimbi edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Factors affecting quality of services and customer satisfaction in air





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Descrizione Factors affecting quality of services and customer satisfaction in air

The airline industry sector has become the most important segment in the economic development of a nation. It plays a vital role in moving people or products from one place to another, be it domestic or international, especially when the distances involved are far. Many airlines industry was the premier airline, which offered low tariff to the domestic as well as international destinations and created a new landmark. Now, ordinary citizens easily access the aviation service from their country air terminals. In a highly competitive environment the provision of high quality services to passengers is the core competitive advantage for an airline's profitability and sustained growth. In the past decade, as the air transportation market has become even more challenging, many airlines have turned to focus on airline service quality to increase service satisfaction. Service quality conditions influences a firms¿ competitive advantage by retaining customer and with this comes market share.

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