Factors Affecting AIS Usage and its Impact on AIS Effectiveness di Abd Alwali Lutfi edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Factors Affecting AIS Usage and its Impact on AIS Effectiveness





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An effective use of the Accounting Information System (AIS) facilitates firms to sustain their competitiveness by providing timely, accurate and reliable financial information for more informed business decisions. Despite extensive government efforts, the usage of AIS amongst the Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Jordan is relatively low and thus limiting the impact on firms¿ effectiveness. Furthermore, previous studies regarding the antecedents and impact of AIS usage are somewhat inconsistent. Thus, the purpose of this study was to propose an integrated model utilizing the Technological, Organizational, and Environmental (TOE) framework and the Resource-based View (RBV) theory to better explain the antecedents affecting AIS usage and its impact on AIS effectiveness amongst Jordanian SMEs. This study hypothesized seven factors affecting AIS usage based on the TOE framework. Meanwhile, RBV explained the relationship between AIS usage and AIS effectiveness as well as the moderating effects of environmental uncertainty and firm size on such relationships.

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