Facing Fear di Tracie Fehr edito da iUniverse
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Facing Fear







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Descrizione Facing Fear

Dr. Chamomile Toser specializes in analyzing evidence and bones, with the help of her partner, FBI Agent Seth Billings, who brings her a new, mysterious case pops up. Twelve people have been murdered, and there's almost no usable evidence. Toser agrees to take the case, and soon her team of talented scientists is neck-deep in the investigation. This serial killer is good, but no criminal can run forever. Meanwhile, Toser is dealing with some uncomfortable emotions-she's falling in love with her partner. Seth feels the same way, but he knows there's more to Toser than law and science. He suspects she's been lying to him, or at least hiding a secret from her past. It's not long before that past catches up with her. The serial killer is someone she knows, and he has chosen his next target: her. Now, Toser has to make a tough call. Does she tell Seth the truth and accept his assistance in catching the killer, or does she keep her secrets safe and set out on her own to stop further bloodshed?

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