Facing Auschwitz: A Christian Imperative di Arlen L. Fowler edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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Facing Auschwitz: A Christian Imperative

A Christian Imperative







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Descrizione Facing Auschwitz: A Christian Imperative

Does God really exist? Why is God silent? Where is God? Why does God not answer our prayers? These are the questions that many victims and survivors of the Holocaust asked. In the decades following the Holocaust many scholars and theologians world wide, have sought answers to these questions. Their findings challenge the way we have understood many of our traditional beliefs. Unfortunately, their findings and insights have not been generally known or studied by the laity or clergy of the American churches. This small volume is intended to be an introduction to some of the serious theological issues raised by the Holocaust. Study groups, church groups, and individuals will find this book an effective tool for becoming acquainted with these important God questions. The journey to face Auschwitz is not without spiritual challenges. It can be an inner struggle to re-examine certain long held beliefs, but it can also be a journey to spiritual enlightenment. This study will start the reader on that journey. If the Church is to regain its integrity and its mission of justice, mercy, and compassion, it must face Auschwitz.

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