Extraterrestrial Civilizations on Earth di Cecelia Frances Page, Steve Omar edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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Extraterrestrial Civilizations on Earth







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Descrizione Extraterrestrial Civilizations on Earth

EXTRATERRESTRIAL CIVILIZATIONS ON EARTH is a stimulating, current accounting of extraterrestrial beings who came to Earth long ago in space ships to cultivate ancient civilizations. Ancient continents existed such as Lemuria, Lumania, Atlantis, Thule, Telos, Rama and Mar. Ancient ruins were discovered on different continents. A golden age existed in ancient times. Empires from the stars came to Earth. Mankind evolved in different races and cultures. Regalians from Orion came to Earth to dominate ancient civilizations. Galactic citizenship is important to establish planetary unity, peace and harmony. Life on other planets exists. The lost city of a goddess is described. Legendary, seven cities of gold are revealed. Extraterrestrial findings are found and described by Zecharia Sitchin. New, sensational findings are revealed by Erich Von Daniken. Extraterrestrial beings came to Earth. Many people have been contacted by extraterrestrial beings. UFOs exist and have been hovering around the Earth. There are extraterrestrial civilizations that exist on Earth. You will learn about specific evidence regarding extraterrestrial beings and UFO sightings and personal experiences about UFOs and extraterrestrial beings.

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