The Exquisite Corpse Adventure: A Progressive Story Game di M. T. Anderson, Natalie Babbitt, Susan Cooper edito da Candlewick on Brilliance Audio

The Exquisite Corpse Adventure: A Progressive Story Game





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Descrizione The Exquisite Corpse Adventure: A Progressive Story Game

It all begins with a train rushing through the night. On board, twins Joe and Nancy begin a quest to rescue their parents. Along the way, they will encounter mad scientists, a talking pig, creatures from another dimension, several bad knock-knock jokes, plenty of explosions, a whole army of villains and varmints, and shape-shifting Eggy-Things. Figuring out who is friend and who is foe is the least of the twins? problems as they piece together the body parts of a Top-Secret Robot who, when complete, will help to reunite their family.A collaboration between the National Children's Book and Literacy Alliance and the Library of Congress's Center for the Book, the hilarious Exquisite Corpse Adventure originated as a national literacy project for young people to help launch the website.

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