Exploring and Interpreting Dreams di Benny Thomas edito da WHITAKER HOUSE
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Exploring and Interpreting Dreams





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Descrizione Exploring and Interpreting Dreams

Benny Thomas escorts you on an introductory tour of a world that is often misunderstood and misrepresented, a place whose terrain has been mapped in Scripture--the God-given world of dreams. The Bible is full of people like Daniel and Joseph, who heard divine messages from God in their sleep. Thomas shares with Bible-believing Christians a balanced approach to hearing from God in the night season. Learn how to recognize divine patterns and principles in your dreams that will bring heavenly revelation into your life. Benny explained, "By carefully recording and analyzing my dreams, I gleaned knowledge, wisdom, and skill in hearing from God in the night season. Proof after convincing proof assured me that God was speaking to me and that He will speak to you through dreams--continually and regularly."

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